The First Time is the Hardest
As with most tasks in life, the first time through this list might be tough and time-consuming. Setting up accounts and getting to know the interface and functions of the various social sites may make your brain hurt. But it will get easier. Just dedicate an hour to blog post promotion after each launch. Also, note that most of these tasks can easily be outsourced.
The key is to make this promotional effort part of your process. It’s unfortunate when I see companies put so much time and effort into creating a solid content strategy, developing their editorial process and consistently publishing great stuff, but then it just sits there. Said another way, they have awesome bait but they’ve forgotten to go fishing.
Immediate, Trackable Results
If you’re using the shortened URL and have analytics installed on your website/blog, you should see your hard work pay off almost immediately. I typically see large spikes in traffic and conversions on the days I’m promoting a new post. Multiply this by a blog post per day and that activity spike is no longer a spike. It’s now a constant. Moreover, the results should be significant increases in activity, traffic, rankings, reach, opportunities and overall sale
10 tips for new bloggers
Now that you are on your way to blogging, we want to give you some tips to get you started and help you grow a successful blog:
What’s in a name? Avoid trendy or cutesy names. If you can’t secure the name you wanted, use your own name!
Tag, you are it: create a tagline for your blog.
First impressions: Choose images with the colors, mood or style that you want your blog to be known for and your readers will start to recognize your “look” and branding.
Find your voice: Think of your voice and content as the foundation of your blog.
Inspiration is all around you: Inspiration for a blog post, e-book, or series can strike anywhere at any time!
Get social: Make blogger friends and share the love, social media isn’t just about promotion. It’s about relationships. It’s establishing rapport and creating reciprocity.
Post quality content: Write clear headlines, provide value and make your content actionable. Show your readers HOW to do something and inspire them to go out and take action.
Be consistent. Choose your posting schedule and stick with it. It does not have to be weekly. It can be whatever you’d like, just do it consistently.
Creating the post is only 10% of the job, driving traffic to your blog is the other 90%. Share your posts to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and pin to Pinterest using CinchShare!
Create an email list from day one. Use email lists to continue to build relationships with your audience.
Do you think you will start a blog for your La Bella Baskets business?